What do you use PowerShell for?

What do you use PowerShell for?

Personally, I’ve always used it as a tool to automate the administration of Windows systems. I’ve created and managed systems. Managed the OS and file system. Administered Exchange, Active Directory and SQL Server amongst other tasks.

I’ve also used PowerShell for a wide variety of other tasks – searching emails for information about a particular event; creating server and network documentation for audit purposes – the ability to write output directly to word documents is a huge time saver.

I’ve also used PowerShell for other purposes – solving maths puzzles, calculating the effective temperature (wind chill) and the change in temperature with altitude for instance.

I’ve seen numerous demos of a GUI front end on PowerShell code though the concept has never really appealed to me.

Cross platform administration is potentially in reach with PowerShell 6/7 but what’s the real audience for that?

So, what do you use PowerShell for?

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Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings from PowerShell

(77,101,114,114,121,32,67,104,114,105,115,116,109,97,115,32,97,110,100,32,97,32,72,97,112,112,121,32,78,101,119,32,89,101,97,114 |
foreach {[char][byte]$psitem}) -join ”

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PowerShell remoting

PowerShell remoting must be every administrators favourite feature. The fact that you can connect to to multiple machines and get your tasks done just makes life so much easier.

PowerShell remoting originally appeared in PowerShell v2. In v1 Get-WMIObject was the only cmdlet capable of connecting to a remote machine. Remoting used WSMAN for inter-machine connectivity. This has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that its router friendly the disadvantage that PowerShell remoting over WSMAN ties authentication to the Kerberos protocol used in Active Directory. This means that remoting is easy within the domain but become harder to work with outside of the domain environment. You should use certificates for authentication outside the domain. There are other ways but you should use certificates for WSMAN remoting authentication outside the domain.

Windows PowerShell v3-v5.1 saw many cmdlets have a computername parameter added – for instance the Process and Service cmdlets. In these cases DCOM/RPC is used for the connectivity. This can have problems with routers and firewalls. Individual cmdlet remoting has been removed in PowerShell v6/v7 so isn’t recommended.

PowerShell v6 saw the introduction of SSH based remoting for connecting to non-Windows machines – it also works Windows to Windows. WSMAN is available on Linux but isn’t fully supported and isn’t recommended. SSH isn’t easy to set up. Its getting better but still not as straight forward as WSMAN. Use SSH remoting for Windows – Linux. SSH is also great in a non-domain scenario.

Windows 10 / Server 2016 saw the introduction of PowerShell Direct (Windows PowerShell and PowerShell core both support PowerShell Direct). If your local machine is the Hyper-V host you can remote over the VMbus to virtual Windows machines on the host.

Lots of options for remoting. Recommendations:

Windows-Windows within the domain – use WSMAN

Windows-Linux (or vice versa) or Windows to Windows outside the domain use SSH

If your on the Hyper-V host use PowerShell direct for Windows VMs

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PowerShell cmdlets

Continuing my series of the features in PowerShell we shouldn’t forget – we get to PowerShell cmdlets.

The PowerShell cmdlet ecosystem has grown from the 137 cmdlets in PowerShell v1 to who knows how many are available to windows PowerShell v5.1, PowerShell v6.x and PowerShell v7 – certainly in the thousands.

A cmdlet is a small piece of code that does one job. The PowerShell concept is that cmdlets are linked into a pipeline to perform a particular task. PowerShell cmdlets emit .NET objects which are passed between cmdlets on the pipeline.

So far so good. More cmdlets available means more tasks can be performed with a single command. When I wrote PowerShell in Practice (v1/v2 times) there wasn’t such great cmdlet coverage so you had to resort to scripting. These days many, if not most, of things we had to write scripts for can now be done with cmdlets.

Cmdlets come from a number of sources:

– In the box with PowerShell

– Cmdlets provided by other Microsoft teams that ship in Windows

– Cmdlets provided by other Microsoft products

– Cmdlets provided by third party software vendors

– Cmdlets from public sources such as the PowerShell gallery

Some of the PowerShell v6/v7 is being provided through the gallery or being trialled in the gallery before, possibly, moving into the product.

So far so good.

On Windows we have a huge set of cmdlets such that I can say I’ve been using PowerShell since it was still Monad (much cooler name) and there are cmdlets I’ve not had reason to use.

This was true as of Windows PowerShell v5.1. PowerShell v6 was initially disappointing because it couldn’t utilise a significant set of the existing cmdlets suite. Porting of cmdlets to run under PowerShell v6 and the WindowsCompatibility module (a delicious irony that Windows needs a compatibility module to enable the use of functionality developed for Windows) whose functionality has since moved into Windows v7 have done much to address the issue. The vast majority of the functionality available under Windows PowerShell v5.1 is now available under PowerShell v7 though gaps still exist.

On Linux and mac the picture isn’t so rosy. There are the cmdlets that are available in the PowerShell v6/v7 install and as far as I’m aware that’s about it. Roughly back to where we were with PowerShell v1/v2. With Windows PowerShell we had the capability of falling back to CIM (WMI), COM or .NET to get things done. CIM and COM aren’t available on non-Windows and PowerShell v6/v7 are built on .NET core which introduces some limitations. To me if PowerShell is to be a true cross-platform administration tool I need to be able to issue the same command – irrespective of platform – and get the job done. Until we get cmdlets to work with storage, network adapters, IP addresses etc etc etc we’re not really in a cross-platform scenario.

Cmdlets are good. More cmdlets are better. Cross-platform cmdlets would be ideal.

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PowerShell Pipeline

With PowerShell v7 getting close to being finished I thought it might be time to look at some of the longstanding PowerShell features that may get taken for granted with the concentration on newer features. Starting point is the PowerShell Pipeline.

The pipeline is one of the fundamental features of PowerShell. In some respects its strongest feature. The ability to link commands together into a pipeline is not new, or unique, to PowerShell but what is unique is what’s passed along the pipeline. Traditional shells pass text output between commands – PowerShell passes .NET objects.

Well, to be 100% accurate PowerShell passes .NET objects that have a wrapper. The wrapper may, or may not, modify the object. Properties, and methods, can added or hidden.

Irrespective of its actual form – and for many purposes you can actually ignore the modifications PowerShell makes – you’re still working with .NET objects.

One of the design goals of PowerShell was to make it composable. Small pieces of code (cmdlets) are linked together (the pipeline) to supply the answer to a problem. For instance:

PS> Get-Process | Sort-Object CPU -Descending | Select-Object -First 5

You fetch the processes, sort by their CPU usage (highest first) and select the top 5 CPU users.

Three simple commands linked in a pipeline give a much more sophisticated outcome.

I can remember writing VBScript code to discover which users in a 12,000 seat Active Directory had Outlook Web Access (OWA) enabled. It took 78 lines of code. When the Exchange cmdlets became available it was a single pipeline.

Much has been made recently of the fact that the pipeline is slow. It may not be the fastest way to get something done but a PowerShell pipeline is easy to understand and maintain than some of the alternatives that are coming into the language.

The PowerShell pipeline may be one of the oldest features in PowerShell but its still one of the strongest and most defining features. If that changes then its probably time to look for an alternative.

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PowerShell v7 Release Candidate 1

PowerShell v7 Release Candidate 1 is here.  No major new features.

The following features have moved out of being experimental:


This release should be more or less what we get when PowerShell v7 move to General Availability (GA) next year

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The Get-Counter cmdlet returns in PowerShell v7 preview 6. Its only Get-Counter though the Import/Export-Counter cmdlets aren’t available. Get-Counter isn’t experimental feature so its available as soon as you install preview 6.

PS> Get-Command Get-Counter -Syntax

Get-Counter [[-Counter] <string[]>] [-SampleInterval <int>] [-MaxSamples <long>] [-Continuous] [-ComputerName <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-Counter [-ListSet] <string[]> [-ComputerName <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]

There’s a default set of counters available:

PS> Get-Counter

Timestamp                 CounterSamples
———                 ————–
30/11/2019 11:44:52       \\w510w10\network interface(intel[r] 82577lm gigabit network connection)\bytes total/sec :                           0

                          \\w510w10\network interface(11b_g_n  wireless lan mini-pci express adapter ii)\bytes total/sec :                           150.691579544147

                          \\w510w10\processor(_total)\% processor time :

                          \\w510w10\memory\% committed bytes in use :

                          \\w510w10\memory\cache faults/sec :

                          \\w510w10\physicaldisk(_total)\% disk time :

                          \\w510w10\physicaldisk(_total)\current disk queue length :

To see the available list of counter sets

PS> Get-Counter -ListSet * | select CounterSetName

To see the counters in a set

PS> Get-Counter -ListSet Processor | select -ExpandProperty Counter

To view a counter

PS> Get-Counter -Counter ‘\Processor(*)\% Processor Time’

The SampleInterval, MaxSamples and Continuous parameters can be used to control the number of samples and the time of recording.

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Clipboard cmdlets

The clipboard cmdlets return in PowerShell v7 preview 6

Get-Clipboard and Set-Clipboard are back and according to the release notes work cross platform.

PS> Get-Command Get-Clipboard -Syntax

Get-Clipboard [-Raw] [<CommonParameters>]

PS> Get-Clipboard
Clipboard test

The Raw parameter makes Get-Clipboard ignore new line characters and get the entire contents of the clipboard.

PS> Get-Clipboard -Raw
Clipboard test

Clipboard test2

Putting values onto the clipboard:

PS> Get-Command Set-Clipboard -Syntax

Set-Clipboard [-Value] <string[]> [-Append] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

PS> Set-Clipboard -Value ‘new clipboard’ –Append

PS> Get-Clipboard -Raw
Clipboard test

Clipboard test2
new clipboard

The clipboard can be cleared – more or less – with a blank string

Set-Clipboard -Value ‘ ‘

On Linux, Set-Clipboard requires the xclip utility to be in the path.

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The Clear-RecycleBin cmdlet returns in PowerShell v7 preview 6 on Windows

PS> Get-Command Clear-RecycleBin -Syntax                                                                               
Clear-RecycleBin [[-DriveLetter] <string[]>] [-Force] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

To use

PS> Clear-RecycleBin

Will ask for confirmation you want to perform the action

PS> Clear-RecycleBin -Force


PS> Clear-RecycleBin -Confirm:$false

Will bypass the need for confirmation

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Fibonacci series

Today’s date 23 November is 1123 id written as month then day. Those numbers are the start of the Fibonacci series. So as its Fibonacci day here’s a quick PowerShell function to create a Fibonacci series.

function new-fibonacci {
   param (
     [int]$numberofelements = 10

## first 2 elements

$ell1 = 1

$ell2 = 1

$i = 2
while ($i -lt $numberofelements){
   $elnext = $ell1 + $ell2

   $ell2 = $ell1
   $ell1 = $elnext



The function has 1 parameter which determines the number of elements of the series you want to produce.

The first two elements are hard coded as being equal to 1 and output from the function.

The bulk of the work is done in the while loop – deliberately chosen to test at the top of the loop.

The next element in the series is the sum of the current last and next to last elements. The counter is incremented, the current last element becomes the next to last and the newly calculated element becomes the current last element.

If you just want the numbers displayed 

PS> new-fibonacci

will display the first ten elements

To get a specific number of elements

PS> new-fibonacci -numberofelements 17

If you want the numbers in an array for further processing

PS> $fib = new-fibonacci -numberofelements 17


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